EventData Class

final class EventData implements \ArrayAccess, \Iterator, \Countable
     * Database fields; read-only
    int     $blog_id;
    int     $event;
    string  $ipv6;
    ?string $username;
    ?string $password;
    ?int    $ref_id;
    ?string $iso;
    ?int    $plugin;
    ?string $request_method;
    ?string $url;
    ?string $content_type;
    ?string $referer;
    ?string $user_agent;
    ?string $post;
    ?string $headers;

     * Getters
    function getBlogId(): int;
    function getEventId(): int;
    function getIp(): string;
    function getUsername(): ?string;
    function getPassword(): ?string;
    function getRefId(): ?int;
    function getIsoCountryCode(): ?string;
    function getPluginId(): ?int;
    function getRequestMethod(): ?string;
    function getUrl(): ?string;
    function getContentType(): ?string;
    function getReferer(): ?string;
    function getUserAgent(): ?string;
    function getPostData(): ?string;
    function getHttpHeaders(): ?string;
final class org\lecklider\charles\wordpress\wp_fail2ban\premium\EventData

WPf2b Event data.

property $blog_id int

Database field: blog_id

property $event int

Database field: event

property $ipv6 string

Database field: ipv6

property $username ?string

Database field: username

property $password ?string

Database field: password

property $ref_id ?int

Database field: ref_id

property $iso ?string

Database field: iso

property $plugin ?int

Database field: plugin

property $request_method ?string

Database field: request_method

property $url ?string

Database field: url

property $content_type ?string

Database field: content_type

property $referer ?string

Database field: referer

property $user_agent ?string

Database field: user_agent

property $post ?string

Database field: post

property $headers ?string

Database field: headers

public getBlogId() int

Get the ID of the blog that generated the event.


The Blog ID as an integer.

public getEventId() int

Get the ID of the Event.


Returns the Event ID as an integer.

public getIp() string

Get the IP address of the host that caused the Event.


Returns the IP address as a string.

public getUsername() ?string

Get the username used to trigger the Event. Set by:


The username as a string, or null if not set.

public getPassword() ?string

Get the password used to trigger the Event. Set by;


The password as a string, or null if not set.

public getRefId() ?int

Get the referenced ID for the Event. Set by:


The Reference ID as an integer, or null if not set.

public getIsoCountryCode() ?string

Get the 2-letter ISO country code for the Event.


The country code as a string, or null if unknown.

public getPluginId() ?int

Get the registered plugin ID. See Register Plugin.


The plugin ID as an integer, or null for core Events.

public getRequestMethod() ?string

Get the HTTP Request Method for the Event. See WP_FAIL2BAN_EX_LOG_URL.


The request method as a string, or null if URL logging is not enabled.

public getUrl() ?string

Get the HTTP URL for the Event. See WP_FAIL2BAN_EX_LOG_URL.


The URL as a string, or null if URL logging is not enabled.

public getContentType() ?string

Get the HTTP Content Type for the Event. See WP_FAIL2BAN_EX_LOG_POST_DATA.


The content type as a string, or null if POST data logging is not enabled.

public getReferer() ?string

Get the HTTP Referer for the Event. See WP_FAIL2BAN_EX_LOG_REFERER.


The Referer as a string, or null if Referer logging is not enabled.

public getUserAgent() ?string

Get the HTTP User Agent for the Event. See WP_FAIL2BAN_EX_LOG_USER_AGENT.


The user agent as a string, or null if User Agent logging is not enabled.

public getPostData() ?string

Get the HTTP POST data for the Event. See WP_FAIL2BAN_EX_LOG_POST_DATA.


The POST data as a string, or null if POST data logging is not enabled.

public getHttpHeaders() ?string

Get the HTTP headers for the Event. See WP_FAIL2BAN_EX_LOG_HEADERS.


The HTTP headers as a string, or null if header logging is not enabled.